Shameless Plug
Two new Wordshape fonts:

Inversion- a revival of 1910 German decorative lettering suitable for obscure Brazilian death metal bands, Christmas cards, title pages and anything else that might need either a sinister or decorative typographic flair.

Vorgang Grotesk- Adapted from an anonymous German student alphabet made from cut paper. The letterforms of this alphabet were also utilized by Letraset's Fred Lambert to create the typeface Compacta. Vorganger Grotesk is an authentic representation of the originator's graphic intention, as represented in the aforementioned 1952 Hoffmans Schriftatlas by Alfred Finsterer.
Nerd shit? Nerd shit.

Inversion- a revival of 1910 German decorative lettering suitable for obscure Brazilian death metal bands, Christmas cards, title pages and anything else that might need either a sinister or decorative typographic flair.

Vorgang Grotesk- Adapted from an anonymous German student alphabet made from cut paper. The letterforms of this alphabet were also utilized by Letraset's Fred Lambert to create the typeface Compacta. Vorganger Grotesk is an authentic representation of the originator's graphic intention, as represented in the aforementioned 1952 Hoffmans Schriftatlas by Alfred Finsterer.
Nerd shit? Nerd shit.
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